Friday, July 25, 2014


Gissele Flat: This black-suede pair features a red rose decorated are great for long days at the office or weekend errands. Perfect for you. Made with suede, its perferct to everyday use. Design by Minimal.
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Oleh Endang Firdaus

Flu burung adalah penyakit menular yang disebabkan oleh virus yang biasa menjangkiti burung dan mamalia, yaitu virus influenza tipe A yang menyebar antar unggas. Virus ini kemudian ditemukan mampu pula menyebar ke spesies lain seperti babi, kucing, anjing, harimau, dan manusia.
Virus influenza tipe A memiliki beberapa subtipe yang ditandai adanya Hemagglutinin (H) dan Neuramidase (N). Ada 9 varian H dan 14 varian N. Virus flu burung yang berjangkit saat ini adalah subtipe H5N1 yang memiliki waktu inkubasi selama 3 sampai 5 hari. Burung liar dan unggas ternak dapat menjadi sumber penyebar H5N1.

Penularan Flu Burung

Virus H5N1 dapat menular melalui udara ataupun kontak melalui makanan, minuman, dan sentuhan.


Virus H5N1 dapat bertahan hidup pada suhu dingin. Bahan makanan yang didinginkan atau dibekukan dapat menyimpan virus. Virus akan mati dalam suhu yang tinggi. Untuk mencegah penularan:
1. daging dan telur harus dimasak matang
2. cuci tangan dengan antiseptik
3. kebersihan tubuh dan pakaian harus dijaga
4. cuci tangan sebelum dan setelah memasak atau menyentuh bahan makanan mentah
5. jangan pelihara unggas di dalam rumah atau ruangan tempat tinggal
6. jauhkan peternakan dari perumahan
7. hewan atau burung yang mati mendadak harus dimusnahkan

Gejala Pengidap Flu Burung

Orang yang terkena flu burung harus secepatnya di bawa ke dokter atau rumah sakit. Jika tidak, kematianlah yang akan terjadi. Adapun gejala dari orang yang mengidap penyakit ini adalah:
1. demam tinggi
2. keluhan pernapasan dan perut

Papaya Lipsticks Sheer: The Nutri Shine products are less waxy, more slippery, and sheerer. The color selection is quite neutral, you don't need to a mirror to apply them. They are like a gloss in stick form.
Find this cool stuff here:

Saturday, July 5, 2014

A Folktale from Kalimantan

Snowsicle Glossy Lipstick: Lime Crime Snowsicle is a magical unicorn inspired clear gloss packed with rainbow. Glossy Lipstick aka Carousel Gloss, is intense liquid lip color loaded with pigment and sparkle.
Find this cool stuff here:


By Endang Firdaus

Laiamon was the daughter of Dayak chief. One day, she went to the river to take a bath. She was swimming when a crocodile held her leg.
“Oh, please don’t eat me!” cried Laiamon.
“Hohoho!” laughed the crocodile. “I won’t let you go. I like eating pretty girls very much.”
Laiamon was a clever girl. She then said, “My father is a chief. He is a rich man. He will give you anything you want if you free me.”
“Is it right?” asked the crocodile.
“Ok,” said the crocodile. “Tell your father to give me a baby to eat every day.”
The crocodile let Laiamon go. Quickly Laiamon swam to the river bank and went home. She told what she had experienced to her father. Her father then called his people to discuss about the crocodile had asked.
The next day, the chief and his people went to the river. They brought a pig for the crocodile.
“Good morning, Crocodile,” said the chief.
“Do you bring a baby for me?” asked the crocodile.
“We have no babies in the village,” said the chief. “We can only give you a pig this time.”
“Don’t lie to me!”
“Of course not. Later if there is a baby in the village, we will bring it to you. Now, please take this pig.”
“All right.”
The chief threw the pig into the river. The crocodile quickly ate the pig. “Hmm, it’s very delicious!” said the crocodile. Not long after that, this creature’s stomach ached. It moaned and groaned. Then it died.
“Father, how did you kill the crocodile?” asked Laiamon.
“We have filled the pig with poison,” said the chief. “This creature had killed many people. I’m proud of you, Laiamon. You could get away from the crocodile. Remember my daughter, if you are brave, you can beat evil things.”